Tuesday, January 31, 2012

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Frontier Women LHA Conference at Ft. Concho, San Angelo, TX March 9-11, 2012

The 8th annual Frontier Women Living History Association  Conference will be held at Ft. Concho National Landmark in  San Angelo, TX on March 9-11, 2012.  There will be classes for beginner and advanced seamstresses in period costuming.  A ladies reticule workshop, a period hair style presentation and a class on quilling will also be held.  For more details and registration form, click the brochure form below to view and print a larger image.  You can also email   FortGriffinWife@aol.com for more information.

 In addition, there will be a School of the Piece (artillery) taking place for the gentleman.  The contact for that activity is Bob Bluthart,  robert.bluthardt@sanangelotexas.us

 If you have not been able to attend one of our conferences check out http://www.frontierwomen.blogspot.com/2011/03/7th-annual-frontier-womens-living.html
 to see a video of the fun we had last year. Feel free to share this information with anyone who might be interested. The more the merrier.

Click the images below to view and print an enlarged version of the brochure.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Mexico and Colorado Events for 2012

Thanks to the New Mexico Civil War Ladies League for this listing on events in New Mexico and Arizona. List updates will be posted at http://newmexicocwcommcongress.org/Unit%20Schedules.html

Civil War in the West -- 150th Anniversary

Picture from http://www.nps.gov/peco/historyculture/copy-of-battleofglorietta.htm

Now through August
The University of New Mexico is presenting an exhibit on Civil War Medicine at the Domenici Center for Health Sciences at UNM. The display is in the Auditorium Lobby and is open to the Public from 8 to 6, Monday through Friday until August 31, 2012.

January 21-The January Socorro Live Fire,
Live Fire the 150th Annual New Mexico Campaign Live Fire

February 16, 2012 Fort Union National Monument Presents
Glimpses of the Past, Las Vegas, New Mexico: Public monthly speaker or presenter on topic of Civil War; at CCHP Las Vegas, New Mexico

February 23-26, 2012, Thu - Sun: Battles for Socorro Event  More info will be available on http://newmexicocwcommcongress.org/Unit%20Schedules.html

March 10-11, Sat - Sun: Annual Reenactment at Picacho Pass State Park in Arizona.
The annual Civil War in the Southwest, with a special commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Skirmish at Picacho Pass, will take place March 10-11, 2012 at the Picacho Peak state park. The event will have reenactments of the major battles in the southwest. The event is free for reenactors.

March 15, 2012 Fort Union National Monument Presents
Every Third Thursday of the Month Glimpses of the Past 7:00 PM Glimpses of the Past** Join Fort Union, Santa Fe Trail Interpretive Center, and the CCHP for these monthly presentations that encompass the bountiful natural, cultural, and historical resources of the Southwest. (Located at CCHP 116 Bridge Street, Las Vegas NM.) Contact Fort Union for the complete presentation list. This program is free and open to the public.
Glimpses of the Past, CCHP in Las Vegas,NM; Public monthly speaker or presenter on topic of “Civil War New Mexico: 150 Years Ago

March 23-25, 2012 Pecos National Historical Park Presents • nps.gov/peco/index.htm • http://www.nps.gov/civilwar150/
A public event, Battle of Glorieta.  Go to web site for details.

March 26-28, 2012 Battle of Glorieta Anniversary
The decisive battle of the New Mexico Campaign during the Civil War. The Texas Confederates were marching north to Fort Union and Colorado.

El Rancho de las Golondrinas Civil War Weekend 150th Anniversary —2012
May 03th through May 06th, 2012.  The 150th anniversary re enactment of the battles of Glorietta and Apache Canyon will be at El Rancho de las Golondrinas Living History Museum. Near Santa Fe New Mexico.
All registrations need to be in by March 15th, 2011, so we can plan for the dinner. Federal commander will be Chuck Swanburg. CSA commander will be Kevin Hal.

Fort Garland – May 25-28th  Living History Days  Fort Garland, CO  http://museumtrail.org/fortgarlandmuseum.asp  Contact rick.manzanares@state.co.us

June 6,7  8, 2012 Fort Union National Monument Presentshttp://www.nps.gov/foun/planyourvisit/things2do.htm
Jr. Ranger Camp Public program for families with focus NM education based curriculum planning for learning about the Civil War in the Southwest

June 9, 2012, 9:30 am Military Order of the World Wars
Will present its 17th annual Massing of Colors at the Santa Fe Veteran’s Memorial Monument, West De Vargas between Galisteo and Don Gasper the Santa Fe Chapter of Military Order of the World Wars will present its 17th annual Massing of Colors. Numerous Civil War and other re-enactors will parade their color and honor guards. Pipes, Bugles, patriotic music and song. All in honor of New Mexico’s Veterans and their organizations.

June 21, 2012 Fort Union National Monument Presentshttp://www.nps.gov/foun/planyourvisit/things2do.htm
Glimpses of the Past, CCHP Las Vegas, New Mexico
Public monthly speaker or presenter on topic of “Civil War New Mexico: 150 Years Ago”

June 23-24, 2012 Fort Union National Monument Presentshttp://www.nps.gov/foun/planyourvisit/things2do.htm
Cultural Encounters annual event, with Civil War theme and New Mexico National Guard Family outing event

August 3-12, 2012 Las Vegas, NM Heritage Week

August 11, 2012 Fort Union National Monument Presentshttp://www.nps.gov/foun/planyourvisit/things2do.htm
Candle Light Tours, public annual evening event; Civil War theme; to be the closing event for the Las Vegas New Mexico Heritage week Commemorative Congress New Mexico CivilWar

October 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st,--2012. 150th Mesilla Civil War and CA Column Anniversary
This is a new event sponsered by Mary A. Bird-Curator of the Gadsden Museum/Chairman/536-6293
The Point of Contacts are as follows:Jeanne Wilkins-Museum Asst./Co-Chair/Civil War Event 575-644-0598

Submitted by Madeline Quillen, New Mexico Civil War Ladies League

Thimble holder tutorial

As I was sailing though the Net, I came across a thimble holder tutorial on http://sadanorris.blogspot.com/2010/08/busy-busy-opps-thimble-holder-tutorial.html  I have a grown up version of this small item which I made as a reproduction of an 1800's velvet sewing case.  It is about 4 inches tall, covered with velvet and lined with silk but it is made just like this tutorial.   These are great little items for stork scissors, a pinwheel and a needle book. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

1912 Project -- Calling all costumers and seamstresses

It is amazing!  You think you have seen it all and then you find something else on the Net.  Those interested in sewing historic clothing MUST look at this project offer.   I can't wait to get more information on it.  Even though it is later than our usual time period, that era was full of gorgeous dresses.
Historical costumers and those who just love sewing vintage and antique patterns may be interested to learn about the Vintage Pattern Lending Library’s (VPLL) The 1912 Project.

The 1912 Project will reproduce approximately 150 patterns from the 1912 issues of the French fashion journal La Mode Illustrée by the end of 2012. The patterns that will be transcribed include not only women’s fashion, corsets, and lingerie, but also garments for men, children, and babies. And the VPLL needs sewers to help test the transcribed patterns and share their experiences working with and sewing them. Test sewers will receive the patterns at no cost as they are transcribed from the magazines.

The project is just one of many programs and events organized among costuming and vintage sewing groups to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the sinking of Titanic on April 14-15, 1912.

Participants in The 1912 Project will track their own progress in sewing the patterns they receive by posting monthly updates and photos on their own blogs or by sending the VPLL photos and comments on their progress, which will be posted to the VPLL’s blog, Vintage Fashionista. The patterns will also be available for purchase on the VPLL’s website. To get involved, visit The 1912 Project or email the VPLL at vpll.librarian@gmail.com.

The Vintage Pattern Lending Library preserves, archives, and replicates historic fashion and needlework patterns from 1840 through 1950, as well as vintage sewing publications and fashion prints. Members are able to borrow pattern reproductions at no cost and get discounts on purchases. Non-members may purchase, but cannot borrow.

Have you ever sewn with a vintage or antique pattern? Have you ever purchased or borrowed a pattern from the Vintage Pattern Lending Library? Are you planning to participate in a historical costume event commemorating Titanic’s sinking?

See this webpage  http://vpll.wordpress.com/2011/11/24/the-1912-project/