Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Songs of the Southwest Country

Hidden gems abound on the Internet for the intrepid researcher. Many books that were published in the 1800's have been scanned and put online. If you want a glimpse into an 1890's poet's feeling for the land we live in --- look at this book. It can be read online or downloaded. Those who do a school marm impression might look at this for your "classroom". Although today, we might call the poems "sappy". They provide us with insight into the settling of the American West. http://archive.org/stream/songsfromsouthwe00mill#page/n7/mode/2up The archive.org website is a great site to find public domain books of all kinds. Check it out.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fort Chadbourne 2012 Movie

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

A little late but it's finally here.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Many of us have antique sewing machines that we display and love for their historical value.  Those machines often come with some real mystery feet.  What do they do?  How were they used in the day to day use of the machine.  Even though I have sewn for 50 + years, I've often wondered what some of those old feet were used for.  Would others like to see their use, too?
Do you have a box like this?  What are those strange things?  Find out here by watching videos on the use of various feet. Although the videos show modern machines, the feet used work about the same on antique machines.

How to Use a Blind Hem Foot

How To Use an Embroidery Foot

How to use a Binder Foot
In this video we show you how to use and install the Binder foot. Learn how to sew along curves and corners and tips for use on knits and…

Invisible Zipper Foot Tutorial

Presser Feet Tutorials
Learn how to use select presser feet including the All-Purpose Foot, Zipper Foot, Blind Hem Foot, Button Sewing Foot, Darning & Embro…

How To Use A Welting Foot

How to Use a Rolled Hem Foot

How to Use A Narrow Hemming Foot

How To Use a Cording Foot
How to properly sew a cord on, using a cording foot.

How to use a Low Shank Gathering Foot
Using a ruffler foot to add gathers or pleats to a garment. Complicated looking foot...very easy to use. Make hundreds of pleats or gathe…

How To Use A Walking Foot
In this video we show you how to use a walking foot, how to ..

How To Use A Gathering Foot
In this video we show you how to use a gathering foot, how to install it and how to use it specifically on certain types of fabrics. The…

PDF Instructions for Singer feet

Hmm..,some of these might be useful on my next dress...  Frontierlady

Friday, August 10, 2012

Hat, Hair and Hair Living History Conference

Living History Conference
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Midland College
Cosmetology Center
3600 N. Garfield, 
Midland, Texas

Frontier Women’s Living History Association is excited to offer this wonderful opportunity to women Living Historians. Conference participants will be treated to a period hair style by the Cosmetology students of Midland College under the supervision of department director, Michael Fields.  Michael is well versed in theatre hair styling and will help his students give us a simple, reproducible  daily hair style  from 18860-1880.   The focus will be helping the participants learn to create a period appropriate hairstyle with their current cut. Hair pieces can be styled and hair nets can be incorporated if brought to the session.  Participants are encouraged to wear  one of the their daily wear dresses  to help set the mood and for another activity that is being planned, a possible photo opportunity in a Victorian setting.
We will also be treated to an exciting show and tell by Stephen Porterfield of Cat’s Meow Antique Shop.  Stephen is an expert in vintage clothing and has a large collection of 1800’s clothing.  He has been an expert appraiser for Antiques Road Show.  He will talk about Hats, Combs and Hat pins from the era giving us information on how to perch those hats on our new hairstyles. 
Conference pre-registration cost of $50 will also include a light lunch and some other activities that are still in the planning stage. 
  For more information contact:
Ann Dixon  frontierlady@suddenlink.net
Ethel Matthews ematthews@midland.edu

Click here to download an informational and registration brochure.
We are limited to 35 participants so register soon.

Crochet Buttons

Personalize your dresses with special buttons.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

More Frontier Quilts

Homestead national monument in Nebraska has a good article about quilts on the frontier. In addition they have a downloadable books on quilt patterns and history from the time period. http://www.nps.gov/home/planyourvisit/quilt-discovery-experience.htm Take some time to look at the website which has some great information about the Homestead Act that settle the vast areas of our country.