New Mexico and Colorado
History Events
February 16 February 16 Fort Stanton: Corset Making Seminar: See Previous Post
February 22 -24 Battles for Socorro Civil War Reenactment Socorro, NM
March 16
March 16 Frontier Skills Day: Bent's Old Fort NPS
Adults are invited to take on various roles at the fort for a day. Be a hunter, blacksmith, trader, carpenter, laborer, or domestic. Nineteenth work techniques accurate to the fort's history will be taught and experienced as part of their character role's regular work routine of the 1840s. Visitors are invited to observe the participants as they practice their skills. Space is limited and a fee of $20 and pre-registration is required. Call (719) 383-5026 for more information. For registration form go to: http://www.nps.gov/beol/planyourvisit/upload/frontier-skills-application1.pdf
April 20Fort Stanton
Living History Contact: Larry Pope
Adults are invited to take on various roles at the fort for a day. Be a hunter, blacksmith, trader, carpenter, laborer, or domestic. Nineteenth work techniques accurate to the fort's history will be taught and experienced as part of their character role's regular work routine of the 1840s. Visitors are invited to observe the participants as they practice their skills. Space is limited and a fee of $20 and pre-registration is required. Call (719) 383-5026 for more information. For registration form go to: http://www.nps.gov/beol/
April 20
May 4-5 Battelfield New Mexico: Civil War at Rancho de las Golindrinas
May 5- Sept. 2 Trails and Rails Trips, Bent's Old Fort NPS
May 18 Fort Stanton
Living History Contact: Larry Pope
May 24 -26 Fort Garland
Memorial Day, Fort Garland , CO
June 8 Living History Encampment Public Visitation' Bent's Old Fort NPS
June 28-29 New Mexico Territorial Days, Chama, NM
July 6 Frontier Fourth of July Celebration, Bent's Old Fort NPS La Junta, CO
Sept. 23-26 National Fur Trade Symposium, Bent's Old Fort NPS La Junta, CO
October 12 Kid's Quarters Bent's Old Fort NPS La Junta, CO
Dec. 6-8 Holiday Celebration, Bent's Old Fort NPS La Junta, CO
If you have a living history event planned you would like noted on the blog, please contact the blog with the details.