Tuesday, October 28, 2014

FWLHA Ladies School

10:06am Oct 28
Howdy, Y'all!

Last year, Donna Hector, Beverly Wildes and ARNie Grabowski volunteered to organize the School of the Victorian Lady at Ft. Concho in March 2015.
We are in the final planning stages, and we'd like you to review our efforts so far, start reserving your classes.

To better disseminate the information, ARNie set up a blog just for the conference.

We have 4 to 6 slots open for anyone who would like to offer a lecture or presentation. We are asking folks to structure their lecture to a 20 minute time frame; you can certainly have more time if you want it, but the 20 minutes was hopefully not such a burden to prepare. This would be a great place to test a new interpretation, or just brush up on an old one.

ARNie is emailing various historical entities in hopes of securing some lecturers with a different angle on our passion: history.

Our Crafts Room is full! If you enjoy working with your hands we have 4 different classes, and a new type of weaving to try.

If you'd like to reserve a class, or volunteer to do a lecture/presentation email us at victorianladytx at yahoo dot com.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Surprising Variations on a French Braid

French braids are so lovely.  The crown braid shown in the first box would make a lovely hairstyle  for both young and more seasoned reenactor ladies.  This website has a picture tutorial which might make it easy to do with a little practice.  http://www.sugarbeecrafts.com/2014/10/surprisingly-simple-french-braid-variations.html

Let us know if you try it out.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Victorian Hair Styles

Victorian hair styles are amazing.  I know that a lot of it was done with hair pieces and "rats" but I don't think I would ever have enough time to get it to look so perfect.  Certainly don't have a servant to help.   Not only that, but it would never stay that way in the Texas winds. 
This website has a number of great pictures as well as hair decorations and accessories explained.