Saturday, November 22, 2014

Lovely Braid

What a darling braid for a young girl for a reenactment!

This video shows another lovely braid and how to make it.  If you have the hair for it, I think   : )   you will also need a friend to help create it.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Gregory Timothy Hector

The Texas Living History community has lost one of our own.  Greg Hector has been a Living Historian at Texas forts and as an SCV member for decades.  He was a mainstay with his bugle, banjo, and as an Artillery commander.  We will greatly miss him.  He passed away on Nov. 9, 2014 in Brady, Tx.  Our prayers are with Donna, his loving wife.  Greg's obituary and a fitting video tribute can be seen at  

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

On-line Book: Draping Period Costumes: Classical Greek to Victorian

ISSUU is a very interesting site that offers free e-magazines.  Some are full magazines and others are just samplers from the issue.  The link below is a complete book with tips on draping various eras of period costumes.  If you are interested in the 1840 and 50s, there are some nice styles.  The eras continue through the bustle period.  Hope this will be something you can use.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

A New Use for a Vintage Tool

Sewing techniques have changed since the 1800s but many of the couture techniques come from that era.  That is one of the reasons I share these sewing tidbits with you.  Below is a video that shows a  vintage tool used in a new way.  Tell me what you think. Could you use these with your sewing demonstrations at events?