Thursday, February 11, 2016

Webinar on Only Women to Receive the Medal of Honor

Lessons of Personal Bravery and Self-Sacrifice: The Medal of Honor Character Development Program
Community URL:

This professional learning community, hosted by the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, provides access to free primary sources and lesson plans to help teach good character in the classroom.  Good character is important for us all—but especially for today’s students who are tomorrow’s leaders.  Character is best taught by example...and there are no greater examples than our nation’s true heroes.
This free program includes Living History videos of the Medal of Honor recipients and over 50 lesson plans on courage, commitment, sacrifice, integrity, patriotism and  citizenship in the classroom. The exercises highlight aspects of development like overcoming obstacles and understanding consequences.
The monthly webinars include demonstrations and discussions on how to best use this resource in your classroom.  In addition, some webinars will feature Medal of Honor Recipients discussing their experiences and the importance of character in young people today.
The program is built on the premise that all people have within them the capacity for extraordinary bravery and selfless service. 
Upcoming Webinars
Thursday, Feb. 25 at 1 p.m. Eastern Time
Presented by Cory Etchberger, Regional Curriculum Trainer - MOH Character Development Program
Join the Webinar Room at the scheduled time.

March is Women's History Month. Be ready with new lesson plans highlighting the courage and commitment—and the controversy—of Mary Walker, our country's only female Medal of Honor Recipient. Learn surprising details about Walker and her groundbreaking actions so that you can inspire your students to venture out on their own unique paths with courage and commitment. This webinar also will introduce new lessons aimed at elementary school students as well as new lessons focused on those in middle and high school.
Attendees will:
  • Explore the extraordinary life of Mary Walker, a beacon for gender equality in the midst of our divisive Civil War
  • Recognize real-life examples of commitment and tenacity in the face of repeated rejection
  • Understand the micro and macro effects of real moral and physical courage
Discover new ways to engage K-12 students with the Character Development Program in the classroom