This article was found on the Victorianna Online magazine. This would be a simple craft for teens at an event.

Take a quarter of a yard of fine cambric-dimity (or any lightweight cotton, muslin or small-figured gingham) and split it in two. Cut the shape of a small rounded scallop or a point out of cardboard or thick paper. Laying this on the fabric, draw a row of points or scallops all round, taking care not to go too near the edge, and turning the corners handsomely. The drawing may be done with a lead pencil. Baste or tack the two sides of the bag together, and following the outline of the scallops, run them along with very neat short stitches; taking care always to stick the needle through both sides, as it is that which holds the purse together.
Read the rest of the article and see embroidery and braiding patterns at
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