Friday: You may check in at Officer’s Quarters #8 beginning at 3:00 PM until 6:00 PM. Arnie will be there showing us ow to create mitts using the Victorian Crazy Blocks stitch. Bring your own yarn. Arnie is suggesting you purchase a period correct yarn from this site: (it is a very fine merino ; silk blend) You will also need either a F or G crochet hook.
Beginning at 6:30 we will be meeting at the Living History stables class room for Pizza & a movie, Western the Women. You will need to pay for your pizza (about $5.00) when you check in at OQ8. If you do not want to join us, Arnie will get you going on the project on Saturday.
Saturday: Beginning at 7:30 am you may make your way to Officer’s Quarters #8 for check in and breakfast. Breakfast will end at 8:30 and that time you will move to your sewing workshop preference.
Lunch will be at OQ8 from 12:30 until 1:30, then back to your sewing workshop.
Tea will be from 5 until 6:00, Dress in your finery! Our tea will be formal with four ladies per table and their table will each have their own hostesses and decorated with flair.
Dinner will be on your own, or go in groups to one of the many fine restaurants in San Angelo!
Sunday: A light breakfast will be served beginning at 7:30 and the hat workshop will begin at 8:30 and we will break for lunch at noon. At this time you may leave, or stay to finish hats and have some one on one time visiting with our seamstresses.
Conference will end at 3:00 PM. Please make sure you have at least 1/4 to 1/2 yard of material to cover your buckram frame. Also, any feathers or other embellishments you desire to decorate your hat bring them along, too!
Advanced: Robin will be leading the workshop on draping a bodice, and is quite easy to adapt for different styles that you will be planning to make. This method requires the ladies to get up close and personal with a draping partner, and you should wear your corsets over a tight tee shirt or a correct chemise for the class. If you do not intend to wear a corset with your dresses you need to wear a really good-supporting bra that can tighten to keep the bust line up in a good position.
The materials for the class to bring with them will include a tape measure, medium to large straight pins, a soft lead pencil or chalk-type fabric pencil (so it won't bleed into the clothes on the lady being draped), good scissors to cut the muslin, and maybe an image of the style of bodice they are planning to make. A high quality muslin has been provided for this workshop.
Beginner-Intermediate: You will need to bring at least 4 yards of washed and ironed material. A good calico, or solid cotton material would work well. Please bring large to medium strait pins and good quality scissors. Bring your sewing machine, if possible. I will bring one and an offer has been made to bring some more, just let me know.
Other Suggesstions:
Bring your own bottles of water with you. There will be coffee, hot chocolate & ice tea for beverages served all day.
We will have our Victorian Bazaar, once again this year.Please bring some items you would like to sell, or trade. If you want to contribute a door prize, that would be lovely.
This picture slideshow created by Ann Dixon with Smilebox |
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