Frontier Women Living History Association
9th Annual Conference
9th Annual Conference
Fort Concho Historic Landmark, San Angelo, TX
March 8-10, 2012
another from Fort Worth, Texas. We were especially glad to welcome back, Joan from Louisiana, after a year's hiatus due to medical issues. It was wonderful to have all the ladies back together again for a great learning and fun experience.
Friday evening featured an early meet and greet with a lace making
session taught by Arnie Graboski, our yarn expert. The annual bazzar came to life at this time, filling two rooms. There were tea cups, shawls, wraps, and other needle work by Arnie. Ann had sontags, woolen bonnets, leather journals and bags. Kathy, Jo and Joan had beautiful period needlework, covers for water bottles, baby shoes, hairnets and other interesting things. Jere had her carefully researched period earrings and other jewelry. Shopping was and proves to still be a popular pastime for ladies.
Donna Hector instructed the ladies in the use of a beautiful handmade loom called by many names...spool knitter, knitting nobby, knitting Nellie. Each lady got to take one of these lovely looms home with here. Arnie lent us Lucets and showed us how to make a cord for lacing and tying. In America, the technique dates back to the Colonial period when garments were laced rather than buttoned. The next presentation was by Beverly Reeves who introduced us to ribbon embroidery. Each lady made a needle case for those indispensable sewing tools. Sally Wolfe of Ft. Concho entertained and informed us with information on tips, tricks and shortcuts of putting together a living history impression. Sally was a volunteer coordinator for the Ft. Bliss Museum and responsible for clothing and educating its many volunteers. She amused us her stories and her hard-learned tricks. Lunch was a delicious affair prepared by Sharon Baird with recipes from our Italian immigrant pioneers. Before the tea, door prizes were chosen. The door prizes,

Sunday morning dawned bright and cheery with all clocks springing forward...some with more enthusiasm than others. We meet for wonderful instruction on the use of period writing instruments and period penmanship by Sharon Baird. We practiced our period penmanship copying from antique documents. India ink stained fingers were the decoration of the day. Finally, it was time to begin the long wagon rides to our respective forts and homes. Another wonderful conference fades into history with friends and memories to be remembered with fondness.
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